Welcome to the RASEM REALTOR® Family
Mission Statement: The purpose of the REALTOR® Association of Southeastern Massachusetts is to educate through professional development and communications, advocate legislatively on behalf of REALTORS® and property owners and empower members to be successful within their communities and serve consumers in a professional and ethical manner.

"We have the strongest value proposition of any Association in Massachusetts" - Ryan C.

Educational Benefits
- Complimentary Hybrid Continuing Education Courses (online and in-person)
- Complimentary 1-hour Lunch 'n Learns
- Complimentary Quarterly ENGAGE! Online Forums for Brokers, Owners, and Managers; New Agents and Technology
- RASEM's in-house digital media center and podcast studio that provides weekly podcasts on various industry topics, video updates on important membership items, monthly President's Perspective, consumer-based real estate show, and monthly Look into the Law segments that assist members with risk management issues
- Interactive Webinars
- Access to Local Housing Market Statistics
- Discounted 1-Day Education Expo
- Discounted Major Events
- Discounted NAR Certifications and Designations
RASEM Discounts

Networking Opportunities
- Complimentary networking in your neighborhood events with complimentary light appetizers and a $25 door prize
- Opportunity to network with fellow REALTOR® and Affiliate Members
- Opportunity to expand your network
- Quarterly Coffee Conversations

Community Service
- Annual Charitable Golf Tournament that has raised over $35,000 total for local charities throughout Southeastern Massachusetts
- Virtual Food Drive
- Toy Drive
- Habitat for Humanity Sponsorships
- Volunteer Opportunities available

Industry-Related Opportunities
- Weekly Monday Morning REALTOR® e-Newsletter
- Monthly Broker, Owner, Manager e-Newsletter (The BOM Monthly)
- Bi-Weekly Education & Events e-Newsletter
- Keep you informed about the latest & critical industry news
- Monthly Look into the Law video series sponsored by The Law Offices of Jessica Clarke
- REALTOR® Magazine
- Opportunities to participate in social media promotions
- Opportunities to participate in legislative, regulatory, and community service-based endeavors
Key MAR Member Benefits
- Complimentary electronic forms platforms (Remine Docs+)
- Complimentary legal resources such as the MAR Legal Hotline
- Complimentary MAR Online Learning Center
- Professional Standards and Commission Mediation Services Available
- Advocates on behalf of REALTORS® and homeowners on important legislative and regulatory issues in Massachusetts
Key NAR Member Benefits
- Through the REALTOR Benefits® Program, you'll find exclusive savings and special offers in the areas of personal insurance, risk management, marketing resources, and more.
- Powers innovation in real estate and gives you access to Realtors Property Resource® platform
- Access risk management advice, information on state & federal legal compliance, and valuable materials to help you navigate issues commonly faced by real estate professionals
- Opportunities across the country to meet and build relationships with fellow REALTORS® and future customers
- Advocates every day for federal, state and local policy initiatives that protects REALTORS® and the public